
Software Architecture

We offer software architecture services to help you build or extend your technical product.

Ormatta technical architects and engineers are capable of building the solutions you need to build your company. We specialize in building highly performant, scalable, and reliable applications. From critical backend server processes to frontend web applications, we can deliver for you.

Architecture Designs

Our team can work with your existing engineering team to design a best in class architecture to suit your business and product goals. If you do not already have an engineering team, we can design and deliver an architecture to meet your product vision.

  1. Architectural diagrams
  2. Everything comes with documentation
  3. Data modeling exercises
  4. And more…

Built to Scale

It’s not enough to deliver a solution. That solution needs to work day in and day out, and be ready to adapt and change as you grow. That’s why we always architect and build to scale. What does this mean exactly?

  • Performance load testing, so you can hit the front page of the New York Times
  • Metrics and monitoring built in, so you can sleep
  • Reliability built in, so you can espouse five 9’s to your clients
  • Security first, so your customers feel safe with you owning their data
  • Extensible designs, so you can hire and onboard onto your team
  • Keeping it simple with modern best in class conventional designs

Simply, our architecture we deliver will be able to grow with you. Saving you time and money in the future, while also providing a solid platform to expand your business.