
Security Consultations

Are you secure? Let us guide you in creating secure software that your clients will trust.

Your site and data must be secure, and security has many vectors you need to think about. Ormatta has vast experience in creating secure technical solutions as well as secure processes for organizations that want to grow and be trusted by their clients.

Secure Technical Solutions

Our experience in FinTech, AdTech, and social networking lend to our expertise in the security arena. We’ve had to build solutions that meet a variet of legal and regulatory requirements across multiple states and countries all while delivering the desired business value. All of this possible because we put security first, and have the know-how to deliver security first applications for your team. We can provide all the below and more for your team.

  1. Security consultations on your current practices
  2. Security design exercises for upcoming and existing iniatives
  3. Data modeling with a security mindset
  4. Security Vendor implementation
  5. Secure coding education for your team
  6. Security preparations for bank audits, regulatory audits, and various certifications (SOC 1/2, NIST, etc)

Let’s discuss how we can help!

Secure Business Practices

It’s not enough for the code and architecture to be secure, it needs to be provably secure. We can work with your engineering team as well as your legal and compliance team to ensure you are developing a framework for provable security. This is necessary as your company grows and faces outside audits, requirements from due dilligence of your clients, or if you ultimately want to sell the company. Let us advise you on how where you are at with provable security practices and how to ensure you are ready for the next stage of your company.

  • Audit preparation
  • Vendor implementation
  • Due dilligence preparation
  • Framework between engineering, product, and legal & compliance
  • Enabling provable security

It’s easy to wait to think about security until you have to, but by that point you may be in a hole too big to dig out of. Let us help set you up for long term sucess in the security arena.