
Product Development

We can help you deliver product features on time in a way that delivers value earlier rather than later.

Let our talented engineers deliver your products from idea to production in a reliable and technically sophisticated manner.

  • Front End Application Development (Javascript, Typescript, ReactJS, Node)
  • Backend Development (Golang, Ruby, Python, Java)
  • Multiple Clouds (AWS, Digital Ocean, Linode, Rackspace, Google)
  • Progressive Web Applications
  • Secure Server Processes
  • Message Buses (RabbitMQ, Kafka)
  • Basically any stack, and more!

Goal: Deliver fast and iterative value to your customers

We believe that successful companies deliver value quickly and therefore get more immediate feedback from their customers. As such we design, architect, and build all solutions to provide the most value as soon as possible through iterative development. This means you get to market faster.

Goal: Extensible Product Development

Because we believe in fast and iterative value, we design software for your products that is highly extensible to your future growth and product directions. Your team won’t waste time in the future trying to redo something which has already been done. Instead they can leverage the work Ormatta has done as a platform for the next phase of product development of your company.

Goal: Work with your stack, not our preference

While we are opinionated about best practices, we want to work with the stack your team has experience with and use that stack to bring your products to fruition. The Ormatta technical team has vast experience with many stacks and architectures and we are most likely already familiar with what you are using. As such, we can build with your team, not against them.